Design Thinking For


The McKinsey Design Index (MDI) reported that companies that performed the best in design achieved average revenue growth 32 percent higher than their peers over five years. They also had a 56 percent higher shareholder return during the same period.

For top-performing companies, design is more than a product; it is the entire experience. They break down internal walls between physical, digital and service design. They start with the user, not the spec, and design a seamless physical, service and digital user experience.

At Creativeans, we help companies design new business models product and service innovations with our EDIT Design Thinking® methodology.


Business Design Service

A great business is intentional, where desirability, viability and feasibility have to work harmoniously to deliver a great business value proposition.


Business Design combines the tools of business thinkers, analysts, and strategists with the methods and mindsets of design. We don’t just look through the viable lens of things but also figure out how to translate human needs into business goals that meet your business’s requirements and the value it wants to bring into people’s lives.


Using our EDIT Design Thinking® methodology, we help you think about how every element of your business model affects the consumer and brand experience and design new business models of product and service innovations.

Ask us about our services

Up to 80% Subsidy to Improve Your Customer Experience

Singapore-based companies can tap Design Singapore’s grant to develop a User Journey Map. The grant subsidies 80% of the total project cost. The Design for Business scheme gives SMEs an overview of improving customer experiences by better understanding how their customers interact with their products, services and processes through design thinking.

Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)